Disabling the Gun in Crosshairs in xScope
There is an Easter egg in the Crosshairs tool in xScope that fires paint while holding down the Command-Option-Control and Spacebar keys. This can get in the way of other system-wide hot keys. To disable the paint splats, quit xScope and use the following commands in the Terminal, depending on which version you're running.
defaults write com.iconfactory.mac.xScope generalAmmo 0
defaults write com.iconfactory.xScope generalAmmo 0
Then restart xScope and the key combination will be ignored. To re-enable the Easter egg, change the "0" in the commands to "1".
NOTE: Releases prior to xScope 4.3.3 used gunshots and bullet holes instead of paint splats. With the increasing problem of gun violence in the United States, we opted to take a less violent approach. We wish our government would do the same.